An Uncertain Lover

G Disliked:

01: The uncertainty of the chord that hung from the ceiling

02: The unimpressive number of house plants in her living room

03: Spending money on anything other than his own hobbies

04: The idea of two lives intersected as one

05: Holding hands

06: Messing up the order of his album records

07: Books: their texture, presence, content

08: Labels (open to reader’s interpretation)

G Enjoyed:

01: The contours of her body

02: Mexican food on Friday nights

03: Silence that hung in the air between them

04: His dog, more than 01-03 & 05-08

05: Being lonely and also being alone

06: A stiff drink

07: A busy schedule to escape his own thoughts

08: The television: series, hockey, old cinema

What had she enjoyed so much about him?